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Re: IPSEC == end of firewalls

> functionality of most firewalls would eventually be an add-on application 
> option for Operating Systems and that eventually it will be a standard 
> part of every Operating System.  Until then, we have to punt & keep using 
> firewalls.  

I'm not so convinced that adding 'firewall functionality' to an OS is 
such a good idea.  The idea behind having a firewall is that 
	*	You have a hardened host that has been stripped of
		anything that could be used by an attacker to compromise
		other systems
	*	You have a single machine that serves as the sole port of
		entry into your domain.  By keeping your defense perimeter
		nice and small it makes it manageable to maintain.  

When you start trying to swtich firewall functionality to an OS you lose 
both these advantages.  You no longer have a system that is stripped of 
compilers, scripting languages, etc, and you now have a much larger 
security perimeter.

Ben Samman..............................................samman@cs.yale.edu
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