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(FWD) UUNET Offers Web Security Services 01/22/96

FAIRFAX, VIRGINIA, U.S.A., 1996 JAN 22 (NB) -- UUNET Technologies 
(Nasdaq:UUNT) is offering a World Wide Web hosting service that 
includes a full range of security services for commercial and 
private applications, including use of PGP (pretty good privacy) 

The company says the introduction of secure Web services 
supports served-based SSL (secure socket level) encryption that 
works with Netscape browsers to transmit sensitive data such as 
credit card numbers.  

The inclusion of PGP also allows companies to encrypt and 
forward data they have received on the Web, which can then be 
redistributed to other system, such as credit bard billing 
systems, via e-mail or FTP (File Transfer Protocol).  

UUNET says the combination of security measures is available for 
UUNET's standard, premium, and new dedicated Web hosting services.  

Alan Taffel, UUNET vice president of marketing, said the new 
measures are "a significant step toward the goal of making 
Web-based electronic commerce a reality. Previously, companies 
wishing to take advantage of available secure server technology 
had to undertake a challenging and lengthy process. UUNET's 
secure Web service alleviates the hassle associated with 
deploying a secure server."  

Customers choosing the secure service will get the same Internet 
service as regular customers, says UUNET. Also, UUNET will take 
care of details such as applying to Verisign for a company 
digital identification.  

UUNET is also now offering a dedicated server option for high 
volume and high value customers. This service includes a dedicated 
130 megahertz (MHz) Pentium machine, a gigabyte (GB) of storage and 
up to 5GB of traffic per month. The price involves a $3,500 startup 
fee, and monthly fees beginning at $2,000 per month.  

UUNET's standard service starts at $300 a month and includes T1 
bandwidth. Premium service (10 megabits-per-second  connectivity) 
starts at $900 per month. For standard service, the security service 
cost an additional $200 in startup fees and $200 per month above the 
normal fee. There is no startup fee for premium service, but the 
monthly surcharge remains.  

FTP hosting service is available for $100 per month for up to 
2.5GB per month in traffic.  

(Kennedy Maize/19960122/Press Contact: Alan Taffell, 
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