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RE: RANT: cypherpunks do NSA's job for them!!

From: 	Vladimir Z. Nuri

maybe TCM, who in this case imho is part of the PROBLEM and not part of
the SOLUTION, and an example of how our own behavior is sabotaging our
key goals, will think twice when he writes another *sskissing,
tedious "what the NSA thinks about [x]" post.

Maybe he should write something like this?:

it seems to me the problem is when a government begins to insist
that the only authorized encryption you can use must be based on the
secret key they give you is where all the problems arise.

so, what we could advocate as a compromise (given that the post office
is absolutely not going to *not* get in this business, from what I can
tell). we encourage the idea of 


this would be a heading for the idea that we are in support of the (our)
government creating cryptographic infrastructures and key authentication
services, as long as we always have the total freedom to encrypt 
according to however we please in private communications.

[Date: Thu, 30 Nov 95 15:39:09 -0800
From: "Vladimir Z. Nuri" <[email protected]>
Subject: key escrow compromise]
