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Re: "German service cuts Net access" (to Santa Cruz)

Excerpts from internet.cypherpunks: 28-Jan-96 Re: "German service cuts
Ne.. by "James A. Donald"@echequ 
> The German prosecuters are currently targeting the site of Mr Zundel, "who
> is well known for his open revisionist positions."
> Zundel is not in fact a Nazi, but an anti nazi:  Here is a sample
> of his work.
> Bottom line.  German prosecuters are amazingly ignorant idiots.

You're actually quoting from an inspired bit of trolling. See my recent
message: "Ernst Zundel impersonator on Usenet"

Whatever he is, Zundel is not an anti-Nazi. He's perhaps the world's
leading holocaust revisionist, and is now living in Canada. He's
well-known to our northern neighbors; his trial for speech crimes went
all the way to the Canadian Supreme Court. His web site is at:


But I agree with your basic point. For trying to censor the Internet,
German prosecutors are amazingly ignorant idiots.
