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new(?) anti-usenet censorship technique?

Playing around online today, it occured to me that much of Compu$pend's 
subscribers (and many other ISPs, especially smaller ones which might be 
subject to governmental pressures) rely largely on people who use chat 
modes frequently, often for sex-related chat... they cannot cut off IRC 
(for example) without hurting their income substantially.

If someone put up an IRC<->news gateway, with a bot that allowed anyone 
on channel to read newsgroups, it'd be virtually impossible to censor; 
one could use a variable channel name to increase the difficulty of 
censoring it.

Has anyone done this before? Or talked about it?
Jon Lasser
Jon Lasser                <[email protected]>            (410)494-3072 
          Visit my home page at http://www.goucher.edu/~jlasser/
  You have a friend at the NSA: Big Brother is watching. Finger for PGP key.