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CONTEST: Name That Program!

As you may have read in my previous message, First Virtual has developed
and demonstrated a program that completely undermines all known schemes
for using software-encrypted credit cards on the Internet.  More details
are avialable at http://www.fv.com/ccdanger.

That was the easy part.

The hard part, it turns out, is deciding what to call this program. 
We've kicked around a variety of names:

    -- Card Shark
        (because we call the general kind of program a "shark")
    -- Four Solutions
        (because we believe that FV is one of four known approaches 
         to Internet commerce which avoid this attack)
    -- Predator
        (because a program like this is scary to think about!)
    -- Pickpocket
        (because that's vaguely analogous to what it does)
    -- Snoopy
        (because we thought it was cute)
    -- CyberCrash
        (no special reason, it just had a nice ring to it)

In the end, we just couldn't decide.  But we knew it needed a name, so
we've decided to leave it up to the citizens of the Internet.  For that
reason, we're sponsoring a contest.  

We invite you to send your vote "[email protected]".  First Virtual will
have sole discretion in selecting a winning name.  If we select a name
that is submitted by someone on the net, the FIRST person to submit it
will be the winner.  If we select one of the names given above, we will
select at random from all the people who "vote" for that name.

The winner will receive $1000 (US).  Yes, we're really paying $1000 for
the winning name!  (If you have or want a First Virtual seller's
account, we'll pay you through First Virtual, otherwise we'll mail you a
check.)  Twenty-five runners-up will be selected to receive First
Virtual sweatshirts and other memorabilia.

CONTEST RULES:  All entries must be received by email to [email protected],
on or before February 14, 1996.  Please include all of the following:

	-- Your suggested name for our program.
	-- Your own name and postal mailing address
	-- Your shirt size (in case you're a runner-up)

CONTEST DEADLINE:  February 14, 1996
Nathaniel Borenstein <[email protected]>
Chief Scientist, First Virtual Holdings
FAQ & PGP key: [email protected]