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Re: Your "urgent" alert

John Schofield said:
>> I will never use First Virtual.  You should be ashamed of yourself.

Nathaniel Borenstein said:
>Why?  For pointing out a devastating potential attack that the bankers
>bearing the risk were unaware of?  It would have been grossly
>irresponsible to keep it secret.

You are fear-mongering.  You point out the details of an attack that was
*NEVER* secret.  It is transparently an attempt to build First Virtual's
market share.  This "new" technique will undoubtedly steal SOME credit-card
numbers, but it can be dealt with the same way people *NOW* deal with trojan
horses and viruses.  It involves no new ideas, no new technologies, and no
new problems.

Again, you're trying to undermine your competetors and build market share
for yourself by misleading novices.  The same people who you claim are too
clueless to understand "cut and paste."  You should be ashamed of yourself.
Go steal candy from babies.

   John Schofield -- If all else fails, try contacting me at ac086@lafn.org.
          PGP Public Key available by e-mailing PGPKEY@sprawl.ktb.net.