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RE: Netscape encrypted email!!

I believe the new microsoft exchange (from msdn level 3 ) also has some sort of security built in. 
Haven't tried yet. (It needs (?) Exchange Server for it )

>>   * Integrated email - Netscape Navigator 2.0 offers full-featured and rich
>>     email capabilities, allowing you to both read and send secure email
>>     messages without launching an external email application.

>I downloaded it and checked it out.  But it was not clear how to use this
>secure email - so it may lack something yet in user friendlyness, or I may
>have just missed it.  Anyway, it should be much easier to use than PGP. 
>Are we all going to switch to Netscape for email?  Is anyone using this? 
>Want to tell us how? 

--                                                     --
-> Leon : Miguel Angelo Saraiva : [email protected] <-
--                                                     --

   --  Vince