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Re: Yeah, Yeah But what are we gonna do!

At 04:07 PM 2/9/96 UT, you wrote:
>It may just be me but ...
>i)	This in-fighting and bickering doesn't seem very productive
>ii)	What are we gonna do about the CDA?
>	The bikers fought the helmet law and won (in places)
>	We should do the same.
>	"It is better to have tried and failed than never have tried at all"
>	Our strength is in our numbers and our abilities we should use them
>	to ensure our freedom.  Science fiction has become our reality and 	their 
>	All we have to lose is our freedom.
Actually, I fought the Bill by writing and getting others to write to their
I also rebutted the passing of the Bill into law. Each time writing to 144
House members
and  64 Senate members.
Charles Donald Smith Jr.

||The government  is my shepherd I need not work. It alloweth me to lie
 down on a good job. It leadeth me beside stilled factories. It destroyeth
 my initiative. It leadeth me in the path of a parasite for politics sake. YEA,
 though I walk through the valley of laziness and deficet spending I shall
 fear no evil, for the government is with me. It prepareth an economic utopia
 for me by appropriating the earnings of my grandchildren. It filleth my head
 with false security. My inefficiency runeth over. Surely, the government 
should care for me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in a fools paradise
forever.................AMEN!   || nuke'm if ya got'em||