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Re: Piracy Bests ITAR


Alan Horowitz wrote:
>    Yes, when Mr Anon travels to a beach in Jamaica or in Mombasa, he
> shouldn't complain when the taxi driver takes him, not to his requested
> destination, buit some dark alley where Mr Anon gets clunked over the
> head and his wallet removed. The locals need the money more than Mr
> rich-tourist-on-vacation Anon.  They're only doing socialist justice,
> after all.
> Property is property. Theft is theft.

Such absolutism! And an awful analogy (not entirely worthless, but
not very good either).

Has nothing to do with socialism... even works nice in a capitalist
as in the case where people try the software, decide they like it,
and then buy it latter when they can afford it. Sidekick and WordStar
became popular because of this "borrowing".  MS-DOS probably would not
be so widespread if it weren't pirated.

Oh yeah, patents as well... I assume from your post that you didn't
use PGP before the MIT version (assuming you're in the US...).
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