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Re: Assassination Politics 9!

On Mar 04, 1996 14:45:02, 'jim bell <[email protected]>' wrote: 
Mr. Bell, 
The Economist terrorism report is unusally thoughtful and open-minded, and
considers the benefits of savaging innocents from the perspectives of a
variety of deeply held beliefs. 
But after revewing the plenitude of those who have murdered for
understandable motives, it does point to a very small group who truly lack
any rationale for earthly comprehension. 
Not that I want to get on your "Shit, shoot that fucker" list, but take a
look at it to double-check that you're not skydiving into the wrong
maelstrom. It's pretty long, but I'll gladly scan it and send it along. 
If not that, read Tim's pithy warning today about shit-stormtroopers
provoked by the daredeviltry of extreme-unctuous freedom fighters.