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Re: Leahy bill nightmare scenario?
On Wed, 06 Mar 1996 16:59:36 -0800, you wrote:
>At that point, Bob is GUILTY of violation of the Leahy bill, because his=20
>encrypted anonymous remailer:
>1. Uses encryption to thwart message tracing, and thus the "criminal=20
>2. Bob has already been informed that his system will be used for illegal=
>purposes; the cops have the messages to prove he has been told. He's GUILTY=
>GUILTY GUILTY, he will definitely lose the system and possibly whatever=20
>residence it runs in, and will probably have to pay a huge fine to boot.=20
This is not my understanding. I believe that Bob has to be commiting
a felony himself before they can get him under the current phrasing.
Dan Weinstein
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All opinions expressed above are mine.
"I understand by 'freedom of Spirit' something quite definite -
the unconditional will to say No, where it is dangerous to say
Friedrich Nietzsche