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re: Video resolution
At 10:14 AM 3/11/96 -0500, A. Padgett Peterson P.E. Information Security wrote:
>Note: this refers to the IBM PC & clones only
>> The point is that they do a lousy job on dithering. So does Microsoft
>> explorer. They probably purchased the identical code from some clot.
>Have been watching this go back and forth & get further from the original
>question as usual. I suspect that if the original poster looks in her/his/
>its/other SYSTEM.INI file, the line "display.drv=vga.drv" will be found in
>the [boot] section. This is the default 16 color driver installed by
>Windows to be compatible with every 256k 640x480 VGA card.
And I also remembered to turn the computer on.
I can assure you that I know how many colors my screen supports, and I have
numerous dithering programs on my computer, two of them written by me.
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