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Re: Kid Gloves or Megaphones

From:	IN%"[email protected]"  "Bill Stewart" 16-MAR-1996 01:55:32.07

>Depending on the details of Ian's method, I don't think the debate
>needs to be taken to the public, or even done - it may simply be a
>done deal once the technology's out there.  If Mark Twain Bank or
>Merita Bank or the Federal <Exonive-Deleted> Reserve wants to offer
Digicash(tm) with Payee-Non-Anonymity, they can always make it a contractual
>requirement that their payees not use anonymity techniques in return for
>being paid.

	Wouldn't the viability of such a clause depend on the anonymizing
scheme in question? If the bank's cooperation isn't needed (i.e., going through
a proxy), then such a limit would be empty.