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Martin Marietta Energy Systems' summary of December GAK meeting

Thanks to John Young, who scanned the snailmail document sent out by NIS&T,
I have made the available on my NIST meeting web the document that NIS&T says
"The enclosed document is an unofficial summary of the December 5, 1995
meeting held at the National Institute of Standards and Technology to
discuss the 64-bit software key escrow encryption exportability initiative."

URL is http://www.isse.gmu.edu/~pfarrell/nist/dec5sum.html

Nothing really new here, the author recorded essentially what I wrote up
and posted back in December. But this author has a different viewpoint.

Pat Farrell        Grad Student         http://www.isse.gmu.edu/~pfarrell
Info. Systems & Software Engineering, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA
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