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Re: Crypto CD

Ben Holiday wrote:

|    I'm considering the idea of cutting a crypto CD, and wanted to see if 
| there was any potential interest in the idea, or not. Basically what i 
| forsee is a disk with the basic algorithms (DES/IDEA/Etc), and steg tools, 
| along with a few large crypto aps like PGP, and basic cracking software (Crypt 
| Breakers Work Bench, XOR-type crackers, and dictionary attacks with 
| a few dozen dictionaries). I'd also like to include a remail directory 
| with some remailer sources, remailer-aware clients, and the mixmaster 
| sources. And of course as much infomation as possible -- cyphernomicon 
| preferably, possibly even archives of this list..  
| I would plan to put unix/dos/mac all on one CD. I'm thinking that 
| realistically I can expect 50 megs or so. Possibly as much as 100 if I 
| find a TON of wonderful text. 

	50 megs?  You expect me to pay 20 bucks, and you won't even
download the contents of ftp.dsi.unimi.it, the archives on hks.net,
and maybe a few other international crypto archives?

	More seriously, a completist cd rom would be nice, but the
marginal cost of filling the CD with stuff is pretty low.


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