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Re: NSA Budget

On Mon, 8 Apr 1996, zalchgar wrote:

> Is there a public release of the NSA's annual Budget.


> If so is there a quarterly release.


One can, however, get an idea of the size because of the various screwups 
the budget committee makes.  For example.  This year a bar chart (to scale)
representing the various agencies was released without exact numbers 
attached.  The idea was to give the policy makers an idea about what the 
relation between the intelligence agencies was in terms of budget without 
giving away the exact figure.

Of course the office of intelligence policy and review released a report 
giving the size of the entire intelligence budget.  I believe the 
Washington Post had some reporter who pulled out a ruler and measured all 
the bars, then published the figures that went to each agency based on 
the total figure released.

A quick search of the papers (last month?) will probably give you the 

 > -Erinn

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