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Re: Message not deliverable

> >Subj:	Message not deliverable
> >Date:	96-04-10 11:51:09 EDT
> >From:	[email protected] (Administrator)
> [body text deleted]
> Has anyone else been getting these when they post to cpunks?  I get one every

Yep, I've been getting 'em. There's one in my inbox right now. :(

> time I post.  I emailed the administrator at dca.com, a few weeks ago, but
> nothing has changed.  Anyone got suggestions?

I dunno.... Maybe it's some weird mail system at dca.com... Looking at the
full header of the "not deliverable" message I got, it looks like
smtphost.dca.com is using SMTPLINK V2.11 PreRelease 4. I've never heard of
that program, but I would guess (stab in the dark) that that PreRelease
version sees the To:[email protected] and can't find any user named
"cypherpunks" on their system, and so it bounces. That's just a stab in
the dark, though... I don't know anything about that mailer beyond the
fact that it's bouncing these messages around. 

Sig file decloaking...

| Steve Reid - SysAdmin & Pres, EDM Web (http://www.edmweb.com/)    |
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