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Re: What's the "Human Interaction Institute" at CMU For ???

>           The title could refer to net censorship, or to bio-medical
>           implantation of control computers inside human brains.

>           Stephen S.
>           [email protected]
>           or try:
>           [email protected]
>           PS: If anyone can tell me the name of the 1965 movie
>           starring Michael Renee that dealt with the above two issues,
>           please tell me.
>           If you were not aware, the movie dealt with a plan,
>           initially, to link all humanity directly to each other. One
>           could "download" data directly into your brain ! You could
>           also have "mental telepathy" and communicate with others.
>           Michael Renee's character escapes to the past to try to end
>           research done by a scientist, that lead up to the inevitable
>           a totalitarian world government takes control of everyone;
>           even your thoughts are no longer private.
>           You get the idea. This was also done as part of the movie
>           "Terminator 2"; I wonder if the writer of the 1965 movie got
>           any screen credit or royalties for T2 ???
>           I'm worrying too much, right ? It can't happen here ???
>           Tim Mc Veigh said he had a bio chip implant. Nah...

I strongly suspect that you are refering to "Cyborg 2087" aka
"The Man from Tomorrow" a 1966 film starring Micheal Rennie
(note spelling).

It took about 2 minutes to track this down on the net.

Peter Trei
Senior Software Engineer
Purveyor Development Team                                
Process Software Corporation
[email protected]