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Re: Smartcards are coming to the US

At 03:15 PM 4/21/96 -0400, Brad Dolan wrote:
>Saw a CNN story Friday about an interesting special debit card 
>application in Mexico.  They're being issued to poor Mexicans, who can 
>use them to buy tortillas and a few other foodstuffs.  The cards are tied to 
>a behavior-control database and failure to send kids to school, get 
>mandatory medical exams/treatments/vaccinations, etc. results in card 

Interesting method of social control.  "Do anything we don't like and we
revoke your ability to spend money through government approved outlets."

What a Brave New World we live in...
Alan Olsen -- [email protected] -- Contract Web Design & Instruction
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  "We had to destroy the Internet in order to save it." - Sen. Exon