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OpenSoft ExpressMail


I've been a bit behind with the mail, so I don't know if anyone 
brought this up yet.  We just got a beta copy of OpenSoft ExpressMail.
It's a DLL that plugs in as a messaging service for the Win95 desktop
Inbox.  The sheet that comes with it mentions the following:

Compatible with:
	-- S/MIME
	-- DCS
	-- Verisign format Digital ID's
	-- POP3
	-- RFC's 821, 822, 876, 1123, 1153, 1460, 1651, and 1653

	-- Talk about "Total encryption key (digital ID) management system
	-- Full MIME support
	-- Variable key length (no ceiling mentioned)
	-- Talk about spiffy address book capabilities (good to get
	   the non-geeks into it)

The problem is, I can't seem to get it working.  There is no setup 
app (which I hope they plan to put in the production model ... for
their sakes).  The Macro$loth Mail system doesn't seem to like the idea
of using the DLL.  I'm going to see if I have any luck with the Mail
server that came with it (I forgot to mention that this is a whole
client/server combo).  The client is for Win95, the server for Win95/NT.

Another added nicety is that there is supposedly a free standalone decoder
app.  I'm going to see if I can get my hands on it (if it is past vapor

I hope I can get this functional, cuz I wanna play, dammit!
- -- 
  Mark Rogaski    | Why read when you can just sit and |      Member
  System Admin    |         stare at things?           | Programmers Local
  GTI GlobalNet   | Any expressed opinions are my own  |     # 0xfffe
[email protected] | unless they can get me in trouble. |     APL-CPIO

Version: 2.6.2
