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FWD: info war info (& that All.net loon)

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From:          "ITNS administrator" <[email protected]>
Organization:  IntelliTech s.r.o.
To:            ITNS/[email protected] (Czech & Slovak republics)
Date:          Mon, 29 Apr 1996 08:38:46 +0000
Subject:       Information Warfare

Web sites, information services, associations

- Air Chronicles (US Air Force Web site) =>

- Airborne Electronic Warfare Systems Department =>

- C4I HORIZON '95 =>

- DISA Center for INFOSEC (CISS). ("The Center for
Information Systems Security's (INFOSEC) (CISS) goal is
to create and manage a unified,   fully integrated
information systems security program for all Defense
Information Infrastructure (DII)   systems. CISS acts as the
focal point for assuring availability, integrity and
confidentiality of DII Automated   Information Systems
(AIS) information.") => http://www.disa.mil/ciss/ciss.html

- Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC ) online
guide to privacy resourcesj. (EPIC is a public interest
research center in Washington, DC. For more information
email [email protected]) =>

- Federation of American Scientists (FAS) (The). (FAS
conducts analysis and advocacy on science, technology
and public policy, including nuclear weapons, arms sales,
biological hazards, secrecy, and space policy. FAS is a
privately-funded non-profit policy organization whose
Board of Sponsors includes half of America's living Nobel
Laureates.) => http://www.clark.net/pub/gen/fas/

- Information Warfare =>

- Information Warfare: The Invisible War =>

- Information Warfare books and resources from
Management Analytics => http://all.net/books/iw/top.html

- Institute for the Advanced Study of Information Warfare
(IASIW), a virtual nongovernmental organization formed
to facilitate an understanding of information warfare with
reference to both military and civilian life. =>

- Intelligence reform project =>

- Internet Security Issues =>

- Line of Site -- US Military Sites on the Internet (an
address book of about 350 URL's pertaining to the US
Military. This is a no frills, cut to the heart of the matter,
publication, presenting welcome relief for those of us who
are tired of wading through pages of photos and
descriptors just to find one URL. Listings are in
alphabetical order and there is even space for writing in
additions or comments. $12.00 plus $3.00 shipping and
handling. Periodic updates will be available from the
publishers -- electronic transmission is available. Send
cash, check or money order to Real Trends, Inc., 9200
Centerway Road, Gaithersburg, Maryland 20879, USA - be
sure to include your full mailing address.

- National Computer Security Association (NCSA) (NCSA's
mission is to foster improvement in all aspects of world-
wide digital security, reliability and ethics by
providing key services to three principal constituents: end-
users of digital technologies, computer and
communications industry product developers and vendors,
and computer and information security experts.) =>

- National Military Intelligence Association (NMIA) =>

- National Security Agency (NSA) =>

- National Technical Information Service (NTIS) =>

- Naval Postgraduate School (The): Joint C4I Systems
Curriculum => http://www.stl.nps.navy.mil/c4i/

- Office of the Director of C4I (Information Systems for
Command, Control, Communications, and

Computers) => http://www.army.mil/disc4-pg/disc4.htm

- Reto E. Haeni's Information Warfare Home Page =>

- S.D. James' Information Warfare Home Page =>

- Security (Web site with resources) =>

- Third Wave Revolution (The): Netwars and Activists,
Power on the Net =>

- U.S. Air Force Air Intelligence Agency =>

- U.S. Army Digitization Master Plan

- U.S. Army Research Laboratory =>

- U.S. Navy Warfare Systems and Sensors Research
Directorate => http://www.nrl.navy.mil/code.5000.html

- USA FA 53 (Serving Uniformed Service Automation and
Acquisition Professionals, Systems Automation) Home
Page => http://www.seas.gwu.edu/seas/fa53/index.html

Electronic mailing list, newsgroup archives

- C4I Professionals Mailing List, Naval Postgraduate
School => http://dubhe.cc.nps.navy.mil/~rdthrash/c4i-

- C4I-Pro Archive =>

- Computer Underground Digest (CUD) (an open forum
dedicated to sharing information among computerists and
to the presentation and debate of diverse views.) =>

- Cypherpunks archive by thread =>

- Best of Security List Archive by thread =>

- Forum On Risks To The Public In Computers And
Related Systems (Committee on Computers and Public
Policy, Peter G. Neumann, moderator  The RISKS Forum
is a moderated digest. Its USENET equivalent is
comp.risks) => http://catless.ncl.ac.uk/Risks/

- Privacy, Security, Crypto, Surveillance archive (from
EFF) http://www.eff.org/pub/Privacy/

Conferences, Expositions

- InfoWarCon '96 => http://www.ncsa.com/infowar1.html

- InfoWarCon (Europe) '96 ("Defining the European
Perspective" will be the theme of this year's InfoWarCon
to be held in Brussels, Belgium May 22 - 24, 1996.
Sponsors include National Computer Security Association;
Winn Schwartau, President and CEO, Interpact, Inc.; and
Robert David Steele, Chairman & CEO, Open Source
Solutions Group. Co-Sponsors include: IBM Internet
Security Systems; Jane's Information Group Network
Systems, Inc.; and Norman Data Defense. Overview:
Information Warfare represents a global challenge that
faces all late-industrial and information age nation states.
It also represents the easiest and cheapest way for less
developed nation-states and religious or political
movements to anonymously and grievously attack major
nations and international corporations. Not only are the
definitions of InfoWar unclear, but they span many areas
and disciplines. This conference will examine the
European perspectives on all three classes of Information
Warfare while contributing some American lessons
learned, mistakes made and successes enjoyed. The
conference will look at these three areas of interest: Class
I: Personal Privacy Class II: Industrial and Economic
Spying and Warfare Class III: Global Conflict, Terrorism
and the Military) => http://www.ncsa.com/iweuro96.html

Infowar product vendors and service providers

- enterWorks.com (Virtual DB)

- Omnisec International (Carries out security checks on
CIA agents.)

- Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) =>

- Security Dynamics, RSA Data Security =>

Infowar, security products and services

- Devices now in field testing with the U.S. Marines,
according to  Ellison C. Urban, Advanced Research
Projects Agency (ARPA) in his paper "The Information
are described as follows:

The Tamer: The Tamer system consists of a global
positioning system (GPS) receiver, a liquid-crystal display
(LCD), thumb-input      devices, data ports, and software
for intelligence reports -- all in a single module integrated
with a standard-issue Melios laser rangefinder. In a future
version the LCD will be eliminated and a video capability
added; an intelligence report form filled out by the soldier
and automatically transmitted by a geopositioning satellite
will be superimposed on the scene through the viewfinder.

VoiceMap: Via the VoiceMap (or a similar system,
Pathfinder, shown on the Web site), the user's location is
fixed by a GPS receiver and then displayed on an
electronic map, where it is compared with the user's
itinerary. Maps can be scrolled or scaled with voice
commands, as well as updated with tactical data sent from
other units by radio link. In future, the attached computer
will have an artificial intelligence capability, permitting it to
respond to complex queries, such as "What is the best
route to way station Delta?"

VuMan: The VuMan is a body-hugging computer with an
easily manipulated circular dial that displays animations of
repair      procedures, replacing thousands of pages of
maintenance manuals. Soldiers simultaneously see both
their equipment and the computer information through a
head-up display.

MARSS: The  Maintenance and Repair Support System
(MARSS) is the first application planned for an electronic
vest called the bodyLAN, which provides a wireless local-
area network that interconnects with personnel and their
systems. A MARSS-equipped soldier wearing the vest can
walk up to a piece of equipment in need of repair -- a tank,
say -- and have it disgorge its self-diagnostics by radio to
the soldier's on-board computer. That computer, linked to
other devices, sorts the information and links up to
logistics stations in the rear or around the world. The
bodyLAN vest presents both potential benefits and
potential problems.).
The MARSS project is the first application of a central
element planned for all TIAs: a wireless local-area network
-- called a bodyLAN -- in a thin undervest to be worn by
every soldier. The vest will eliminate redundant electronic
components and link the remaining devices (and those of
other troops) via a common standard. But being in such
intimate contact, as it were, with such a device adds risks.

- Management Analytics Info-Sec Products (Products
listed in late April include the following: Internet Tester:
Internet Vulnerability Tests for Unix ... Tracer: Automated
Audit Software ... Daemons: Secure http and gopher
daemons ... ManAlMail: Sendmail reciever replacement ...
Tracker: Tracks Down Sites ... Access: Centralized SetUID
Program ... Menus: Secure Menu system and BBS ... One-
Time-Pass: Hardware-free one-time password schemes ...
Watcher: Watches and analyzes log files in real-time ...
Mantra: Generates and tests passwords ... Permit: Verifies
and corrects access control settings ... Checkers: Crypto-
checksum and other integrity checking systems ... Integrity
Toolkit: An integrity shell for Unix ... Shell Utilities: Useful
utilities for programming the shell) =>

- Semiomap a Tool to Monitor Internet (Claude Vogel,
CEO, [email protected], fax +33 1 41377099,
Semio Corp., 137 S. Robertson Blvd. Suite 103, Beverly
Hills, CA 90211, USA, fax: +1 310 888 8785) =>