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Re: Rabbi Hier Testimony

I was waiting for Rich to whine about my message criticizing the Simon
Wiesenthal Center. He was good enough to oblige, being the FUCKING
STATIST that he is:

> The majority of what you said in that message was misleading at best, but
> I haven't said anything because that's off topic, and who listens to a
> FUCKING STATIST anyway. I know you don't have time to correct any
> acknowledged errors on you web pages, so why should I waste my time
> pointing them out?

Funny, that. The links I provided were primarily to reports from the
ACLU, CDT, wire dispatches, and firsthand reports by respected

They must be part of the FUCKING STATIST conspiracy to oppress the poor,
beleaguered -- and sadly misunderstood -- free speech advocates at the
Simon Wiesenthal Center! 
> So yes, Morris Dees is a fool, and so are you.

A stinging blow! I can hardly wait for the next.
