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Re: [NOISE] Re: Nazis on the Net

[email protected] writes:
| Abraham Lincoln is one reason I _don't_ use the above definition; by mine,
| he'd be a separatist (wanted to move Blacks to Liberia, if I recall correctly).
| I trust that everyone involved in this discussion (with the exception of the
| neo-Nazi) would agree that Abraham Lincoln was better than those in the South
| who wanted to keep blacks enslaved?

Do we have a neo-Nazi in this discussion??  Are you implying that any sceptic
of a few Holocaust `facts' is a neo-Nazi??  Do you infer that all pro-lifers
are Republicans??

It is because of such baseless inferences, I have to remain anonymous.  I would
dearly love to debate under my real name, but am prevented from doing so by the
neo-Nazi name-calling.

Yes you are correct, I disagree that Abraham Lincoln was better than those in
the South, not for racial reasons (remember, the Civil War was *not* about
slavery, because the slavery issue only arised *after* the war started), but
because I believe that a diverse set of countries is `better' than one.  I
believe that countries that want independence (such as Chechnya) should have
it.  (Yes, I am likening Abe Lincoln to Boris Yeltsin).

[ You may also like to consider that blacks as well as whites fought for the
South. ]

``The believer is happy. The doubter is wise''.  -  Hungarian proverb