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   4-25-96. WaPo:

   "Israelis Eye U.S. Laser As Anti-Rocket Defense. Nautilus
   High-Energy Laser Beam Burns Surface of Weapon."

      Two months ago, in a test at the White Sands Missile
      Range in New Mexico, the U.S. Army used the laser to
      shoot down two Katyusha rockets that earlier had been
      seized by Israel. The test caught the attention of the
      aerospace community because it offered evidence of
      Nautilus's efficacy, especially its new tracking system
      upgraded with more sophisticated computer software. The
      laser, beamed at a rocket for only a second or two,
      disables it by melting its surface, causing it to
      explode and crash to Earth.

   "Spy Chief's Grasp Reaches Other Pockets."

      The Senate intelligence committee yesterday approved a
      major expansion in power for the director of central
      intelligence (DCI) by giving the director authority not
      only over the CIA budget but also over all intelligence
      spending, most of which currently is controlled by the
      Pentagon. Such a radical change is likely to run into
      strong opposition not only from the military services
      themselves, but also from other congressional committees
      with Pentagon oversight.
