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[Complete NOISE] Re: aufweidersehn, * grave$

On Thu, 2 May 1996 [email protected] wrote:

> Some anonymous illiterate racist socialist wrote:
> > Noticeable about capitali$t graves, he dissmisses EVERY attempt
> > to censor racists with a "who cares," "there just a bunch
> > of weinies," "if you can be heard *somewhere* without being
> > arrested, it's not censorship," etc.
> In defense of Rich, note that we libertarians accused 
> him of being a socialist, and this anonymous socialist 
> accuses him of being a capitalist.

What's in a name (or a nym) ? ;)

Capitalist-diseased-marsupial (and proud of it)

(A consortium of Fed. Reserve insiders, AT&T, and Popeye's Fried Chicken 
execs control the world. Anyone ranting against other forms of government 
is wasting their time. Long live the Illuminati!)