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Looking for someone to speak on JAVA security issues (fwd)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 09 May 1996 03:25:29 -0700
From: The Dark Tangent <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Subject: Looking for someone to speak on JAVA security issues

If you or someone you know has seen a Java security expert who would speak at 
DEF CON, please have them contact me!

     Hey!  All my mail is sniffed!  Don't forget to PGP important stuff.
  PGP Key (2.3a & 2.6) on key servers or mail me. Voice (AT&T) 0-700-TANGENT

DEF CON mailing list, mail: [email protected] with "subscribe dc-announce" in
   the body. DEF CON FTP: ftp.fc.net /pub/defcon http://www.defcon.org