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Re: The Crisis with Remailers

At 10:40 AM 5/20/96 -0700, you wrote:

>	one cent could well be too low.

I have been a client of the c2.org pre/re mailer on several occasions.   

What with all the discussion of remailers falling away (or being pushed), I am
concerned that the 10 cent fee I, and hopefully others, have been paying in
e-cash is not sufficient to keep c2.og's remailer in operation. I would be
willing to pay, say for discussions sake, the postal rate for the convenience
and security it offers.
Alec                   Every suceeding scientific discovery
                       makes greater nonsense
[email protected]      of old-time conceptions of sovereignty.  A. Eden

PGP Fingerprint:

Key ring: 'c:\pgp\pubring.pgp', looking for user ID "0x41207EE5".
Type bits/keyID    Date       User ID
pub  1024/41207EE5 1996/04/08 Alec McCrackin <[email protected]>
          Key fingerprint =  09 13 E1 CB B3 0C 88 D9  D7 D4 10 F0 06 7D DF 31 
                              Alec McCrackin