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Re: The Twilight of the Remailers?

On Tue, 21 May 1996, Timothy C. May wrote:

> Keith Henson has been a friend of mine for the past dozen years (and I
> actually met him first in 1976), and he has kept me informed of his fight
> with the CoS. He's being sued for $100,000 by the CoS. (And they asked him
> a lot of questions about remailers, and who runs them. He didn't tell them
> much.)
> I can't say whether they are likely to win their suit, or what the judgment
> might be. But make no mistake about it, if the CoS wins and Keith is
> ordered to pay....

Thanks for the encouraging words. As the mailers drop off, its seeming
more and more likely that my mailer will need to be temporarily offed
also. (I would like to stress temporarily.)

Unfortunately, fewer remailers means that the mailers that are left will
be bearing an exponentially increasing amount of risk, not to mention the
increase in traffic levels overall.

The suggestion of inverting the sense of destination blocking seems the
most feasable on a short term level... and will most likely be the route
that I take for the near future.

The remailer at this account will remain up temporarily, pending further