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Re: The Crisis with Remailers

At 15:04 1996-05-22 -0400, Perry E. Metzger wrote:
>However, accounting systems DO NOT use 32 bit fixed point arithmetic.
>One client of mine had around $10Billion under management. Do you
>think they were doing their accounting on a system that could only
>deal with fixed point numbers of 45Million or so? Hell, individual
>trades are larger.

Sure, but we were really discussing Ecash(tm), not accounting. To quote
from the FAPI:

/* An EC_Amount is a signed 32-bit integer.  It represents an amount 
 * of money in units of the coinage's base value.  

>Accounting systems require exact math -- down to the cent.

Come on, we're not talking cents here. Question is, how do you represent
a one ITL coin in Ecash(tm) with a USD mint? We are way below the cent
level, where no accountant has ever gone before...

