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Re: holographic remailing & the scientologists

On Sat, 25 May 1996, Vladimir Z. Nuri wrote:

> frankly, I think this was a great idea that we could explore
> some more. in a sense, it stores data "holographically" over
> all kinds of different people's messages. imagine a system in which
> the scientology documents are stored in people's signatures,
> and someone writes software to go and recombine the documents
> based on finding signatures "out there".

This software already exists.  Take a look at Disperse/Collect at
http://www.eskimo.com/~weidai.  Disperse splits a file into n base64
encoded pieces where any k of them can be used to reconstruct the
original.  Collect will search through arbitrary collection of files (for
example the entire news spool) for these pieces and automatically
reconstruct everything that it finds. 

Wei Dai