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Cassidy's Sacremento Bee article.

As I said here before, cypherpunk (and DCSB founder) Peter Cassidy, who did
an article in the last Wired on the Bernstein case, just did a story on the
NSA's involvement in the digital telephony bill in this Sunday's Sacremento

Pete says,

> I spoke with an editor at the BEE. The story takes up most of the front
> section of the FORUM section. Headline screams:
> US Intelligence Agencies Threaten Businesses and Personal Privacy.

Since this story is also supposed to hit the wires, it would be interesting
if it goes anywhere else...

Bob Hettinga

Robert Hettinga ([email protected])
e$, 44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"If they could 'just pass a few more laws',
  we would all be criminals."    --Vinnie Moscaritolo
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