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Re: Java Crypto API questions

Jeff Weinstein <[email protected]> wrote...

>  Not likely.  Sun will probably be required to agree not to do this
>as a condition of exporting software with "pluggable crypto".  Software
>with hooks for crypto functions is treated the same as the actual crypto
>as far as the ITAR is concerned.
>	--Jeff

Just WHAT is a "hook" for crypto??  ;-) I've read about the
Microsoft crypto API, other such hooks and the "ban on
hooks", but who says a "hook" must be so "generic".

With things such as the "component object model" stuff
Microsoft is pushing and similar technologies in the UNIX
world, I can still see "hooking" to crypto.  Though perhaps
more on an application-specific basis and not so "generically".

I acknowledge that crypto which is nearly "invisible" to the
end-user will make it more widespread, and thus the need
for a generic API.

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