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Re: Why PGP isn't so ubiquitous (was NRC Session Hiss)

On  3 Jun 96 at 11:27, Bruce Baugh wrote:

> Date:          Mon, 03 Jun 1996 11:27:33 -0700
> At 04:33 AM 6/3/96 +0000, Deranged Mutant wrote:
> >In part because it's not well integrated with mailers.  That could 
> >change with a PGP3 DLL.
> I have a growing feeling that PGP 3 is never going to happen. Or that if it

I'm soft-of having that feeling too.  Or what's going to happen is 
that enough people will get impatient and international versions will 
start to appear.

> does, it will happen only after the passage of more draconian anti-privacy
> laws, and the guys working on it will be forced to include sundry backdoor
> stuff or drop it altogether.

More likely drop it altogether, or be openly admit they were forced 
to include GAK (people will want the source, anyway).

> I suspect someone could do quite nicely by going ahead and developing a
> 2.6.2 or 2.6.3 DLL.

There's been talk.  But just talk.


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