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[NOISE] Buying whales with digicash Re: Anonymous stock trades.

At 10:52 AM 6/7/96 -0400, Perry wrote:
>[email protected] writes: [...]
>> Well, Milton Friedman's method for saving the whale is to leave it
>> to the free market, if people want whales in the oceans they won't
>> buy whale meat.
>Dr. Phill Hallam-Baker, PhD, however, does not understand economics in
>spite of his PhD and thus attributes views to free market economists
>that they do not hold, as in his whole cloth synthesis of a viewpoint
>which he ascribed to Milton Friedman which Milton Friedman would never
>in a million years espouse.

Oh, come on now, Perry - while Friedman has more sense than that,
you've been around the Libertarian party long enough to know people
who call themselves free-market environmentalists who contend that whales
will be best protected if they're owned property, that do-gooder
environmentalists will be free to outbid Sushi Inc.* for them,
and that initial ownership of the whales ought to be decided by
the traditional initial land-ownership method of homesteading.
Personally, I view this as rent-seeking by folks who ought to let
the whales own themselves, and think they've got as little understanding
of free-market environmentalism as the government bureaucrats who
massively subsidize the logging of US National Forests, but they _are_ there.

[*A wholly owned subsidiary of Taco Bell, but with digicash** and 
anonymous stock ownership, On the Internet, nobody knows that all
restaurants are Taco Bell.]

[**Ineffective attempt to pretend some relevance to cypherpunks...]

#				Thanks;  Bill
# Bill Stewart +1-415-442-2215 [email protected]
# http://www.idiom.com/~wcs
#				Dispel Authority!