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[MISC] Speaking of Wearables

Thought this might be of interest to some.....

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 10 Jun 1996 16:26:29 -0700 (PDT)
From: Phil Agre <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Subject: Wearable computing conference August 19-21st

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Date: Mon, 10 Jun 1996 18:50:09 -0400
From: Thad E Starner <[email protected]>
Subject: Wearable computing conference August 19-21st


		 Announcement/Call for Participation
		Workshop on Wearable Computer Systems

Over the past few years, a new technology has been rapidly taking
shape.  It is the technology of wearable computer systems --
battery-operated computer systems worn on the user's body on a belt,
backpack or vest, designed for mobile and predominantly hands-free
operation, often incorporating head-mounted displays and speech input.
Such systems are now being prototyped and investigated in the context
of a wide variety of military, educational and industrial
applications, including maintenance, training, and manufacturing.

On August 19-21, Boeing will host an informal workshop on wearable
computer technology, at the Boeing Customer Services Training Center
in Renton, WA, a few miles east of Seattle-Tacoma International
Airport.  Our intent is to bring together vendors and potential
vendors of these systems, researchers studying this technolgy, and key
application customers for an open discussion of the future of wearable
computer systems technology.  The workshop's technical focus will be
on the platforms, peripherals, software systems and applications
associated with wearable computers.  The format of the meeting will be
as follows:

o There will be several research presentations.  Leading university,
industrial, and government labs will discuss the research they are
doing concerning the design and use of future wearable systems.

o Booth space will be available for vendors to display and demonstrate
their current products. 

o Selected government and industrial developers will describe the
wearable computer applications they are planning or implementing,
and the technical requirements implied by these applications.

o Later in the meeting, participants will separate into breakout
discussion groups of their choice to focus on issues of particular
interest to them.  Each breakout group will present a summary of their
discussion and their recommendations to the main body of the
workshop particpants.  Breakout discussion topics may include

	- what standards need to be established?

	- what are the operating system and user interface software
	  requirements for wearable computers?

	- what basic and applied research should the government fund
	  in this area?

A more detailed list of possible breakout discussion topics is
included on the workshop registration form.  Registrants are requested
to select which topics they believe would be most worthwhile to
address at the meeting.

How to Apply to Participate

Because of space limitations and the informal nature of this workshop,
attendance will be limited to 150. Persons or groups wishing to attend
should submit either a booth request or a research or application
position paper, as described below.  Academic, government, industrial
or vendor researchers and government, industrial or vendor application
developers are invited to submit position papers.  As time permits,
attendees will be asked to give brief talks about their research or
development activities, based on their position papers.  There may not
be time for all attendees to speak to the group.  In that case, the
organizing committee will try to select a representative mix of
research and application talks from among the position papers.

Position papers and booth requests may be submitted by mail to

	Ms. Diane Rush
	Research and Technology
	Boeing Information and Support Services
	P.O. Box 3707, Mail Stop 7L-40
	Seattle, WA 98124-2207

or by fax to 206-865-2965, 

or by Internet mail to [email protected]

We strongly prefer submission via e-mail (ASCII text). 

For related questions, Diane can be reached by phone at 206-865-3211.

Due Dates

Booth space requests and workshop position papers are due by June 19.
The committee's selections will be announced by July 12.

Research Papers

People engaged in research projects on wearable computer systems are
invited to submit a two-page position paper, describing 

	- the problems their research project is addressing
	- results they have achieved 
	- the potential implications of their research on the
	  future of this technology.

Application Papers

People conducting or commencing applications of wearable computers to
military, industrial, medical or other domains are invited to submit
two-page position papers describing their project, including

	- the application they are focused on
	- technical issues/problems they are encountering
	- requirements this application is placing on wearable
	  computer technology.

Vendor/Demo Booths

Booth space in and near the workshop auditorium is limited.  Displays
should be designed to fit within an 8' by 6' area.  Each display will
have access to electrical outlets and will be provided, if they
desire, with a 5' by 2' table.  Booth requests will be filled on
a first-come, first-served basis.


There are several hotels in Renton near the Boeing Customer Services
Training building.  Boeing buses will transport workshop attendees to
and from the meeting at the beginning and end of each workshop day.
The list of recommended hotels will be sent to attendees along with
their selection notification.  These hotels are reserving blocks of
rooms for workshop attendees until July 18.

Further Information About the Workshop

Up-to-date workshop information will be maintained on the World-Wide
Web, at the following address:

Workshop Organizing Committee

David Mizell
Boeing Information and Support Services

Thomas Caudell
University of New Mexico

Zary Segall
University of Oregon

Dan Siewiorek
Carnegie Mellon University

Thad Starner
Massachusetts Institute of Technology