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Re: plugging in

On Tue, 11 Jun 1996, Alex Strasheim wrote:

> > Indeed -- the notion is that one could do things like put support for
> > encrypted/signed pages or other cryptographic tools (I haven't checked
> > if Netscape mail handles plugins, too) directly into Netscape where
> > ordinary users could smoothly use them.
> Doing tech support at my ISP has made me very skeptical of anything that
> requires a plug in.  Most people aren't willing or able to download and
> install them.  Obviously that's not a problem for large organizations who

	As Mr. Strasheim's front line in tech support, would like to add
capable. Many people simply cannot understand enough of what they are
doing to put things in the right places. 

	It gets very trying some times. See my post on murder. 

Petro, Christopher C.
[email protected] <prefered for any non-list stuff>
[email protected]