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Re: Snake_Oil_punks was Re: SafE Mail Corporation

[Snake oil alert!]
>         PGP has the secret key in its public key!
>         Found out that not only does this algorithm use 22 characters.  
>         The characters are the ones only found on the keyboard.
>         SafeMail uses a proprietary Russian algorithm.
> Not only is this company misquoting it's making up as it goes along. :)

Okay, then I hereby claim the secret key 1234567890qwertyuiop+- as
my public key.  Now, by running that through the SafeMail
Russian algorithm, I get "Nyet!"

Would somebody please give these chums a clue or two, or
mailbomb their sorry asses, or something?


----- David E. Smith, [email protected]
PO Box 324 Cape Girardeau MO USA 63702-0324
"fighting ultimate cosmic evil...
           ... one bean burrito at a time."