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Re: CIA Fears UmpTeen InfoNukes

You should believe it. Take it seriously. Your elected Congressperns do.

In a nice twist, the threat of darkside hackers has emerged as one of the
best arguments for Sen. Burns' Pro-CODE legislation.

At today's hearing, it was clear that we needed the legislation to encrypt
the net-infrastructure and prevent it from being ripped apart by
terrorists. Security through strong crypto, I say, and paint Janet Reno as
a friend of and apologist for those evil hackers.


>When I saw this article in the paper early this morning (like 1am)
>on nando.net, I just couldn't beleave it....
>When did hackers become a threat? I thought that hackers were a
>national resource!
>It sounds like these gov folks are concerned about how much
>hackers know how things work... which is probably more than
>they do. Didn't hackers build the Internet? :)
>I just blew the article off as noise. I just can't waist
>energy on such rubbish.