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INFO: Submit your testimony to Congress for hearings on July 25!

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	    Virtually attend the upcoming hearings on July 25, 1996

			   Submit your own testimony
			Listen to the RealAudio cybercast
			 Ask Louis Freeh a question (FBI)

                              Date: July 20, 1996

         URL:http://www.crypto.com/            [email protected]
           If you redistribute this, please do so in its entirety,
                         with the banner intact.
Table of Contents
        Upcoming hearing information
        How to receive crypto-news
        Press contacts


The Senate Commerce committee will be holding hearings on the Burns/Leahy
Pro-CODE bill (S.1726) this Thursday July 25, 1996 in Washington D.C.

Like most everyone that doesn't live in Washington, you can't be there
in the flesh.  But you can be there virtually through www.crypto.com!

A RealAudio cybercast of the hearing is being coordinated by Jonah Seiger
(CDT).  If you have the RealAudio software (it's free from www.realaudio.com)
you can listen to the hearing live.  You can also telnet into the chat room
and pose questions to the staffers who will be online.

If you wish to make your voice heard, take a moment and submit your own
written testimony through the web page at http://www.crypto.com.  When
you submit your testimony, you can also submit a question for FBI Director
Louis Freeh who is scheduled to testify.  We'll provide a copy of the
questions to the committee members, and urge them to pin down Director 
Freeh on some of the finer points of the issue.

This is an amazing time for democracy.  Never before have American citizens
been able to have so much representation in the halls of Congress without
actually being physically there.  Don't let this debate go on without your

A complete profile of the cybercast and the net-presence effort is available
at http://www.crypto.com/ until the hearing, and at
http://www.crypto.com/events/ after that.


To subscribe to crypto-news, sign up from our WWW page (http://www.crypto.com)
or send mail to [email protected] with "subscribe crypto-news" in the body
of the message.  To unsubscribe, send a letter to [email protected] with
"unsubscribe crypto-news" in the body.

Press inquiries on Crypto-News should be directed to
	Shabbir J. Safdar (VTW) at +1.718.596.2851 or [email protected]
	Jonah Seiger (CDT) at +1.202.637.9800 or [email protected]

End crypto-news