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RE: Noise: Re: Responding to Pre-dawn Unannounced Ninja Raids

On Wed, 24 Jul 1996, Bill Olson (EDP) wrote:
> Alan Horowitz writes:
> >Phil,
> >are you saying that you're a better businessman than Rush Limbaugh?
> >Can we see some 1040's, please?
> Rush Limbagh is a big fat *RICH* idiot.

     Big? yes. 
     Fat? I'd say so.
     Rich? In relation to me, yes, and probably to you.

     Idiot? The man _got_ rich doing something he enjoys and is good at,
meanwhile you are working for the great satan. Who is the Idiot?

     OB Crypto: From what I have heard Mr. Limbaugh _didn't_ like the CDA,
and if the right person can get to him and convince him properly, he might
even come out against GAK (if he hasn't already). He has the potential to 
reach millions of _very_ loyal people. It might be worth someones time to 
try to get thru to him.

Petro, Christopher C.
[email protected] <prefered for any non-list stuff>
[email protected]