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At 01:17 PM 8/9/96 -0400, Thomas C. Allard wrote:

>	In a landmark decision a federal court in New York has ruled
>that a CBS film crew and Secret Service agents are liable for filming and
>broadcasting a search of a private citizen's home. It is the first reported
>court decision to hold a television broadcaster liable for accompanying
>police agents on a search and filming it for the broadcast.

Just because someone at your door has a warrant or a contractual right to
search your place does not require you to allow anyone else in.  Par example:

Landlord of (A Member of This List):  The fire inspectors are here and would
like to inspect your apartment.

(A Member of This List):  They got a warrant?

Landlord of (A Member of This List):  No.

(A Member of This List):  Then they can't come in.

Landlord of (A Member of This List):  But I can enter the apartment with
reasonable notice under the rental agreement.

(A Member of This List):  You're welcome.  The Fire Inspectors aren't.

Landlord of (A Member of This List) who allowed a search of the rest of his
building was cited by the Fire Inspectors for an illegal apartment in the


"Why is it that when I'm faced with a reasonable request from a public
servant my immediate response is 'Load triple cannister'?"
  -- Cannister.  A cylindrical metal container filled with lead shot.
Designed to turn a field artillery piece into a very large shotgun.