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Re: forget photographing license plates!

On 15 Aug 96 01:31:08 -0800, [email protected] wrote:

>"In the 22 Jul 1996 issue of Fortune was an interesting look into the future
>of automobile electronics, "Soon Your Dashboard Will Do Everything (Except
>Steer)".  "
>From the control center, they can "electronically reach into the car" to
>unlock the doors, or honk the horn and flash its lights."
How long do you think it would be before thieves subverted this feature?

>>>> It is extremely comforting to me -- I don't know about you -- to think >that GM will maintain a control center able to communicate with my auto >electronics.  Shit, why not TRW?

I'm just waiting for them to integrate with TRW. Then, with people
they've determined can afford a new one, they can trigger the car to have
mysterious engine failures...

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