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Re: search engine improvement

[email protected] wrote:
> Keywords: distributed ratings systems, search engines, spiders,
> spiderspace, idea futures, The Shockwave Rider, John Brunner
> You know there is a trick that might greatly improve the
> effectiveness of a search engine at almost no cost to the end
> user.  It is the well-known heuristic of "If Person A likes X
> and Y, and Person B likes X, then Person B probably likes Y.",
> combined with passive polling (which is getting information
> about people's opinions just by watching their actions, instead
> of by asking them).

Have you seen the similarities engine
(http://www.ari.net/se/ise/001/WC000001.html) that tries to find
similarities between bands?  I can't see a reason this wouldn't work for
web pages.  (Films would be noce too).

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