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Re: Post Office restrictions

On Mon, 19 Aug 1996 10:18:42 -0400 (EDT"), Arley Carter wrote:

>> I've told some people about a few of the loopholes mentioned on the list
>> about the new post office restrictions on airmail packages.  What's
>> disturbing is that none of the people I'd talked to, all of whom are
>> at least reasonably intelligent, had thought or heard, for instance,
>> that PanAm103 only took 12 ounces or that someone could just send two
>> packages.  How does the news media justify its existence? (Down here, it
>> seems to be serving as a propaganda arm for the Republicans)
>                                                  ************
>Where are you that the news media serves as a lapdog for the Republicans?
>The local media, esp. the print media around here, Winston-Salem, NC
>leans so far to the left the letters fall off the page when you up the 
>newspaper. :-)

I'm talking about the San Diego Union-Tribune, the paper that posted huge
billboard welcoming the RNC around the area, the paper that paid for the
biggest fireworks display ever west of the miss, the paper that had a
6-20 page RNC insert daily, the paper that "spammed" the opinions page
with pro-RNC articles.  Are we starting to see what's it like? By the
end, I was something like "I don't care if Bob Dole gets raped to death
by a donkey, I don't want to hear about it!"

>As for the national media, esp. the (C)linton (N)ews (N)etwork, need I 
>say more?

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