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Re: US Taxes on X-Pats (getting off topic)

In <[email protected]>, on 08/20/96 at 01:38 PM,
   Stephen Cobb <[email protected]> said:

>Very true...what I am saying is that, as far as my reading goes, LEGAL
>aliens are going to be required to pay social security "taxes" while not
>having any "entitlement" in return. They pay income taxes and get certain
>things, like law and order, in return. They will be paying soc sec money to
>the government without getting anything in return. This sounds not only
>unfair but wrong, part of an isolationist, "we killed the natives so this
>land is our land and the rest of you f@*k-off" revival that includes the
>recent posting about requiring proof of citizenship before issuing drivers

So what?

I can gaurentee that I will never see any "entitlement" (not that I believe that there is any entitlements in life other than death & taxes) in return for the taxes I pay (at 50% income no less). IMHO no non-US citizen has a right to one thin dime of my tax dollars. Period no exceptions. Don't like it PISS OFF and go back to whatever stink hole you came from. 

I for one am sick and tired of politions cow-towing to a bunch of special intrest groups who don't even represent US citizens. If they can't support themself when they come to this country then they need to stay where they are. We have plenty of home grown dead beats sucking off the government tit without shipping them in.

Now on the driver licenses. Every state requires some type of ID to get one (ie birth certificate, ss#, prof of resedency, ..ect). Should you have to be a citizen to get one? No, with the exception of those living inside a large metropoliten area (Chicago,NewYork,L.A.) a car is a requirment. Trust me I've lost my license and you would not beleive what a hassel it is just to get back and forth to work or the store without one. IMHO unless you are out killing people with your car the state should
not be allowed to take away your driver license. Especialy for such trivial matters as too many speeding tickets, not to mention all the non-driving related reasons the state can suspend your license for (in Florida non payment of child support is good enough reason).

P.S.: We did kill off all the natives and it IS our country. This county was founded to get away from all the European crap and I see no reason 200 years later we should be working to make this country as F@#$ed up as they are.

Well that's my $0.02 worth. :)

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