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Re: PreRFD: comp.org.cypherpunks

[email protected] (Skip, OBC) writes:

> ! Jim McCoy wrote:
> ! > [email protected] (Skip) writes:
> ! > > My suggestion number #1:
> ! > > No moderation.
> ! > 
> ! > Suggestion 1 on how to diminish the feeble S/N ratio on cypherpunks:
> ! > 
> ! >         make it a newsgroup
> ! > Suggestion 2:
> ! >         make it an unmoderated newsgroup
> ! 
> ! How about making it a robomoderated newsgroup with only one enforced
> ! rule, forbidding any crossposting?
> If moderation, then why not moderator(s) who simply send out cancel 
> messages to everthing that is crossposted?  Traditional moderated 
> newsgroups are technically inferior because all posts go through netnews 
> chokepoints and then depends on the moderator(s) who's inevitable 
> position has been the irresponsible one of keeping the position long 
> after they lose interest with the high volumes.  Even if their was such
> a person, there is still are chokepoint problem which is stupid to  
> engage in.
> In any case, creation of comp.org.cypherpunks in no way means gatewaying 
> or shutting down [email protected] .

How about a NoCeM-moderated newsgroup?
I.e., several parties can issue 'hide' NoCeM notices for whatever
material they consider off-topic, including cross-posts. Several
other parties can issue 'highlight' NoCeM's for articles they
consider particularly worthy.


<a href="mailto:[email protected]">Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM</a>
Brighton Beach Boardwalk BBS, Forest Hills, N.Y.: +1-718-261-2013, 14.4Kbps