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Re: Does John Gilmore...

Black Unicorn writes:
> Dave Hayes writes:

> > > Again, you confuse free speech with free broadcast.
> > Isn't broadcast a subset of speech, especially in this culture?
> That which is broadcast is certainly speech.
> Trying to draw some kind of "right to be broadcast" as a result is
> stupidity or ignorance, or both.

Then I suppose you want to control all mailing lists, USENET groups,
and web pages. These are broadcasts, and of course they have no rights
other than what you seem to want to give them.

> Anyone has the right to, e.g., start a mailing list, or a newsletter.
> No one has the right to compell ABC or FOX or John Gilmore or anyone
> else to broadcast their speech.  (The rarest exceptions, like equal time
> rules, exist in election contexts).

But what about this letter? It is cc'd to two mailing lists. I own the
Freedom Knights one, John Gilmore owns the cyperpunks one. Does that
mean that both of us have to approve it before it gets sent? Do we
both own it?

> Learn the difference.  Go to law school before you argue free speech
> concepts in any detail.  

"Laws" do not cover the net's "multicast" technology.

Distinguishing communication types so as to control those who use them
is not going to solve your problem. You are much better off, from a
practical standpoint, learning to control what you see and hear rather
than attempting to control others. 

One does not need a school to see this, it sits under one's nose like
a milk moustache.
Dave Hayes - Altadena CA, USA - [email protected] 
Freedom Knight of Usenet - http://www.jetcafe.org/~dave/usenet

                 One only fights what one thinks is real.