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Re: Please post Eudora PGP plugin URL

At 04:57 PM 12/6/96 -0800, you wrote:
:Or Email it to me 
:Thanks in advance
You're welcome

Eudora/PGP Plug-In

    Download version 0.20 from the Web: 
    (for 16-bit version of Eudora 3.0 for Windows 3.1) 
    (for 32-bit version of Eudora 3.0 for Windows NT/95) 

If you don't have Web access, but have FTP access, try the following sites.
Note that if the version you are trying to get was released today or just a
days ago, it may not have shown up at the sites below yet, so give it a few

papa.indstate.edu: /pub/winsock-l/mail/epp16_02.zip

ftp.winsite.com:   /pub/pc/win3/winsock/epp16_02.zip

If you want to be automatically notified of new versions, send e-mail to
[email protected] with the subject of "eppi news", and the following
message body:


You will not be able to post to this list. It is merely a convenient way to
receive notification of new updates to EPPI. 

Send comments to: [email protected] 

What is EPPI?

EPPI is the acronym for Eudora/PGP Plug-In. It is a "Plug-In" module for
Eudora for Windows. Eudora Plug-Ins are simply programs that utilize the new
Extended Messaging Services API (EMSAPI) that were introduced with Eudora 3.0.

EPPI makes it easier to use PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) with e-mail via
Eudora. Note that EPPI does not contain any encryption/decryption routines,
so it
should not violate anybody's export/import restrictions. It simply calls
the PGP executable with the appropriate command-line options in order to
the requested functions. It's also 100% free! Get a copy, give it to your
friends, spread it around...