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Re: Race and IQ

Huge Cajones Remailer wrote:
> At 8:30 PM 12/13/1996, Timothy C. May wrote:[snip]
> Now for some entertainment.
> Oliver Wendell Holmes, when he was a judge in Virginia, ordered the
> forcible sterilization of several young women.  The state would wait
> until they became ill and then when they were admitted to a hospital,
> they were sterilized under the guise of giving them some other
> operation.
> Holmes claimed that the grandmothers of the women were imbeciles,
> their mothers were imbeciles, and that they were imbeciles.  His great
> line was "Three generations of imbeciles are enough!"
> Curiously, it turns out that the word "imbecile" was a euphemism for
> "illegitimate".

I have heard that in 1800's England, there were cases of children starving
to death (even on farms) where the euphemism applied was something like
"apoplexy" or whatever, to suggest a disease rather than neglect.  But we
have some goodies here in the late 20th century too, yes?